Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ESTA Visa required as of 1/12/2009 to get into US Please Read

I just got this email from my friend who owns an immigration law firm & she notified me about this new visa that is required for those entering US.
Please read & make sure your loved ones are aware of this new law that apparently has not been communicated well with many embassies.

Dear Client:

Please review the materials at the link provided regarding new travel requirements for those entering the United States on the visa waiver program. These requirements will be in effect as of January 12, 2009. We encourage early application so as to not interfere with travel plans. Thank you. Rupal ESTA LINK: http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/travel/id_visa/esta/esta_intro/esta_english.ctt/esta_english.pdf

Law Office of Rupal G. Kothari P.C.1250 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 200Washington, DC 20036Telephone: (202) 466-2921Facsimile: (202) 263-4610RGKothari@aol.com

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