Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Eco-minded & savvy individuals pulled together @ DC's Green Festival

2 days of none stop excitement of meeting mind liked individuals
who pull together as a community to support & love one another's
efforts in doing the right thing.
This year's festival was even more crowded than last year & the awesome
celebration of Obama's success, even made it that much more amazing. And of course, the haters were showing their faces too. Yet we welcome them because they help us grow stronger & our message to them as Satchidananda says is "to pour love over hate, is like pouring water over fire". :) So we hope for them to grow some love in their lives & put their energy into more positive things.
I like to this moment and thank a few of our amazing supporters that came to visit us this year as well as volunteered to help: Sherrel, Silvia, Carla, Pawan, Mougeh, Mehdi, Sharon, Jim, Harold, Hillary, Dena, Madeline, Shirin, Chip, Julia, Jessica, Pamela, Om, Paul, Kishuri, Ellen, our favorite twins, Bahar, Maria & Allison & their friends, my cousin Deven & his precious family just to name a few.
Special thanks to Debra Clair of Perfect Organics for bragging about our holeco™ organic mineral brushes & sending clients over to us. Another thank you is for Kimberly Wilson of Tranquil Space along with Christine & Jilian for the amazing bamboo outfits that we were wearing & the support towards out booth; Last, but not the least, special thank you for Live Green (Steve, Juliana, Paul & Dj) for always being there with us & promoting green living.

Finally, so thrilled to meet Christine, Mary, Jeff & Scott, Sahsania, Scott the holistic Doc, & Jim to help support their great efforts.
Don't forget to join us at the Eco-Feast Event this Saturday, November 15, from 12pm-4pm at the Art of Living Center, a mansion across from Meridian Hill Park (2401 15th Street NW).
In joy, love & peace
Honi :)
p.s. Mention GREEN Festival & receive 20% off any single treatment of: organic spray tan, reiki, reflexology, aqua detox, ultimate healing, laser hair removal & lymph cleansing using TriActive laser (*open to all clients)

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