Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Save Those Batteries

So you have used batteries laying around and want to get rid of them, especially the ones that make all sorts of noise from your children's toys. But WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't throw them in the trash. Bring them to us and we will dispose them properly.

WHY should you care: Because batteries contain lead and mercury, which are harmful to the environment. When it rains, these contaminants can be washed into waterways or septic systems and pollute streams, rivers, lakes and drinking water. Batteries and other household cleaners and paint should be dropped off at special collection sites.

Happy Tip to you
Honi :)

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