Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


That's what it comes down to when one wants to recognize
what business is truly GREEN?

If there is "Ego" in the intent, then it isn't GREEN. If the business is built on "LOVE", then it is totally GREEN, which energizes, heals, connects, cares, evolves and provides a positive energy. If one operates
from the perspective of "ego", then the energy is blocked and all
decision is made based on the wrong inent, thus healing cannot occur.

Thus support GREEN and discover the possibilities.

1 comment:

Teres McClen said...

Going Green I agree, must come from the heart, love of caring for our earth, and our loved ones. The more we love what we are doing, going Green will become apart of our everyday lives!