Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Funny how as a society we are so much more obsessed with exterior
beauty! What about interior beauty? Why is it that the most important
step in achieving beauty, a well balanced nutrition of course, is completely
missed when we think of beauty? This is really sad. People always want
to look beautiful and will spend the money on very expensive products, but
won't spend the money on the organic fruit or vegatable that is vital to their health and beauty :(

To desire beauty, one first has to view the body as a whole by respecting it, loving it and nurishing it so it can bloom from the inside out.

Thus, please think twice about what you are eating and how it is effecting your body and your beauty.

Honi :)

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