- The air we breath
- The water we drink
- The food we eat
- The personal care products we put on our body
We have become finally educated on the importance of fresh organic food that is not processed. We can certainly control what we drink & what we put on our bodies. The air we breath is more challenging to get away from. By becoming mindfully aware, we can take charge of the HEALTH and wellness of our mind, body & soul. March is an amazing month to get us back to a state of balance by rejuvenating it & detoxing it (mildly of course). Here are some convenient ways for us to get you started at our Holistic Center:
Pay for 1 session, get next 1/2 off
Aqua Ion Foot Bath Detox $75
Microdermabrasion $155
Reflexology $110
Amythest Biomat Rest $80
30 min Private Meditation $75
Detox Heaven $125
Laser Pigment Tx $295
Laser Cellulite Reduction $155

With joy, peace & blessings
Honi Borden & Holeco® Team : )