Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Holeco™ Life Raw Organic eco-chakra Chocolates are now available for sale @ Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa ONLY.


Our raw organic holeco™ life eco- chakra chocolates (made totally with LOVE by Vanessa Barg of gnosis chocolates) are in at last. Finally, you can enjoy a chocolate that is just so good for your mind, body & spirit. We have them in 7 eco-chakra flavors made with the freshest organic ingredients.

No worries about raising your blood sugar. It is made with blue agave nector. No worries about your cholesterol being effected either. It uses Crystal Mana. Endulge yourself knowing you are getting SUPER antioxidants into your body guilt free. Enhance your mood; Get all the magnesium that you need so you can stop that eye twitching and finally getting some needed sleep. Take a deep breath first to experience all your senses getting heightened by the fresh smell of cacao butter.

THANK Goodness that there is finally a chocolate that is amazing for your health, tastes unbelievably delicious & is mindfully handcrafted one by one with tremendous LOVE, that is passed on to you. NO manufactoring here, only LOVE.

Oh, best of all, by purchasing any holeco life products, I donate a portion of the proceeds to help support International Lifeline Fund's "Clean Water" & "Fuel Efficient Stove" projects in Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan & Kenya to help improve the lives of families by providing sustainable cost-effective & environmentally solutions to the most pressing developmental problems in rural Africa. www.lifelinefund.com

So eat knowing you are honoring your health, enjoy knowing your chakras & your mood is being enhanced, & smile knowing you are taking a part of solution to sustainability on a global level.

With Love, Joy & Peace
Honi Borden & Holeco ™ Team :)

****COMING SOON: Holeco™ Life Chakra Chocolate Meditation by Vincent Hu************

Friday, June 19, 2009

"Clutter Cleansing is a Spiritual Business" by Bev Hutchins @ Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa

So, you have clutter! You've been looking at that stuff for awhile and just can’t muster the energy to do anything with it. Here’s your chance to change your perspective. This 1.5-hour workshop is a novel approach to seeing your clutter in a spiritual way. You'll discover it's more than just stuff. It's a reflection of your spirit.

We'll define clutter and what it means to you. Then you'll identify one item you have and know is clutter, but that you can't let go of. We'll do fun activities to find out why you view it as clutter and see whether you might be able to release it by the end of the workshop. You'll hear how your situation parallels that of others and gain an awareness that you are not alone when it comes to dealing with stuff.

You MUST RSVP for this workshop by registering here to "sign up" http://www.holecomedispa.com/calendar.html. This is a popular workshop and it fills up very quickly and we regret in advance that we can only accomediate 20 people maximum. Please no walk ins. The cost is only $15 and we will serve you fresh organic hot green tea as well as coconut water. :)

Looking forward in seeing you,

With joy, love & peace

Honi Borden & Holeco™ Team