The one drink that you hear me talk about over and over and over is Coconut Water. There are so many health benefits from pure young coconut water that in my eye, it is truly the miracle fruit.
If you are thinking of the coconut milk, forget it, I am talking about the yummy hydrating water within. Here is a quick run down on it's properties:
* is excellent for replacing lost electrolytes from exercise and illness.
*is a natural isotonic beverage – contains a similar level of electrolytes found in human blood.
*has 15 times the amount of potassium as most sports and energy drinks. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and heart function.
*regulates the functioning of the intestine which can help to promote digestive health.
*can help promote smoother, more hydrated skin.
*can help reduce problems for infants suffering from intestinal disturbances.
* is an effective oral rehydration medium and keeps the body cool.
*is an all natural sports drink, energy drink and hangover cure.
*Coconut Water is non-allergenic.
*is cholesterol free and coconut water has shown to help prevent the formation of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
Best of all, we now are selling it less than even Whole Foods for $1.76 per one or $21.12 for a case of 12. For additional information or to buy on line please visit: Would you like to know what Gatorade is made out of? Sucrose Syrup, Glocose, Fructose Syrup, Citric Aci, Salt, Sodium Citrate, Monopotassium phosphate, Isobutrate.
In joy, love & peace
Honi Borden & Holeco™ Team
Monday, February 23, 2009
Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa & Coconut Water :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Traditional Medicine Workshop on March 7th @ Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa

We are so delighted to have Kourosh Kashani M.Ac., L.Ac.,
Dipl.Ac., Cert. Chinese Herbal Medicine of Circle of One, provide a unique workshop on
Traditional Medicine in Modern World on Saturday
March 7th at 3:30pm @ Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa.
This seminar is designed to be interactive using some
Qi-Gong techniques. So be ready to experience Qi energy
Qi-Gong techniques. So be ready to experience Qi energy
that is the vital force of our lives. Please register by clicking
here. You will gain tremendous knowledge in just 2 hours
that only costs $15 per person. Kourosh Kashani will also
lead the meditation workshops in our upcoming retreat in
Colonial Mexico by Flor Escapes. Please visit to register for this amazing journey joining me on this escape.Looking forward in enhancing your health
In joy, love & peace
Honi Borden & Holeco™ Team :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Gnosis Chocolate comes to Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa

& Healthy!!!
That's Right. Healthy Aphrodisiac by Gnosis Chocolate coming to Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa on Saturday February 14th provided as a gift to our super star clients who deserve the best raw chocolate they put into their body. We are thrilled to
announce that Gnosis Chocolate is our only choice of awesomely healthy super chocolate for the private line of Holeco™ Life Products (coming soon).
In joy, love & peace
Honi & Holeco™ Team
Flor Escapes is Holeco™ Wellness Medi Spa's official Desination Retreat Parter :)

of Flor Escapes is now our official Destination
Wellness Retreat Partner.
The concept of Flor Escapes is unique because it has been collaborated with a psychotherapist to develop the program that includes not only spa treatments and yoga sessions; it also includes group therapy workshops on healing the mind. Thus, it offers a comprehensive and well-rounded wellness program. Just as Holeco™ , Flor Escapes also views wellness from a holistic standpoint and integrate not only treatments to sooth the body but also the mind and spirit.
Holeco™ patrons can get $400 off this amazing retreat, bringing the cost down to $1300pp. You must hurry to register by 2/5 to get this discount. Only a few spaces left.
Both Lillian & I look forward in enjoying this retreat with you at Colonial Mexico, along with our dear friend Kourosh Kashani, of Circle of One, whom will be conducting the meditation classes (and will be offering a seminar at Holeco on 3/7)
In joy, love & peace
Honi :)
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