Honi's Tips on How to live a more Georgous, Green and Glorious Life!

Honi Borden is the founder of holeco life "rooted beauty" products & Holeco Wellness Medi Spa, where she brings a holistic and eco-friendly approach to all of her modern medi spa treatments. Holeco is located in Washington, DC across from the Friendship Heights Metro and is proud to be the 1st Green Medi Spa in the US as recognized by Green America.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How GREEN is really green?

GREEN starts with compassion and care. It's not about getting on the bandwagon and it isn't about feeding one's ego. It's about making a difference and standing for the right thing. It's about being ethical and making the right choice each and every time. It's about stepping out of one's self and considering others along the way. It is certainly challenging, and staying true to one's self, makes it much easier to make conscious choices to help our environment and help perserve our own health.

Every step is a great step when you think GREEN.